Farley Engineering is a local civil engineering firm that serves Southern Illinois and beyond. What sets us apart is not what we do, but how we do it. We take a personable approach on all your engineering needs and provide nothing but the best quality and service for our clients, people and communities. We attract and develop industry leaders, empowering them to think and act differently to drive exceptional results. Since 2020 Farley engineering has provided high quality professional services and solutions in our Southern Illinois region.


What people say about us

Steve Works - Founder & CEO, Dongle
Officia nulla anim non ullamco sit in adipisic exercitation qui elit. Duis excepteur nostrud elit do ipsum anim incididunt ad tempor laboris dolore elit. In consectetur nostrud nulla elit ullamco.
Steve WorksFounder & CEO, Dongle
Zuck Marks - Founder, Facesmash
Officia nulla anim non ullamco sit in adipisic exercitation qui elit. Duis excepteur nostrud elit do ipsum anim incididunt ad tempor laboris dolore elit. In consectetur nostrud nulla elit ullamco.
Zuck MarksFounder, Facesmash
Elton Must - CEO, Juice Car
Officia nulla anim non ullamco sit in adipisic exercitation qui elit. Duis excepteur nostrud elit do ipsum anim incididunt ad tempor laboris dolore elit. In consectetur nostrud nulla elit ullamco.
Elton MustCEO, Juice Car
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Farley Engineering Ryan Farley with family
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